Stiilsete nüüdisaegsete soengute tegemine on praktiliselt võimatu kasutamata instrumente, mis tagavad juuste kuumtöötlemist. Ja olgu see lainete, lokkide, jäikade kiharate tegemine või, vastupidi, juuste sirgendamine – tõsise kuumutamise eest ei pääse. Kõik me teame, kui laastavalt mõjub liigne kuumutamine meie juustele, mistõttu ka kasutame stiliseerimiseks mõeldud kuumutusvahendeid väga ettevaatlikult. Kuid see ei puutu CERA toodangusse!
Käesoleva firma suur kõrgtehnoloogiliste stiliseerimiseks mõeldud instrumentide mitmekesisus avab kõige avaramad võimalused juuksuri meistriteoste loomiseks nii salongides kui kodus. Nende mitmekesiste styler’ite keraamilised töötluspinnad (lokitangide, föönide, sirgendajate, spriraal- ja koonustangide jt) mitte ainult ei hoia kuumutatavaid juukseid, vaid tervendavad neid, luues tänu ioniseerimissüsteemile antistaatilist efekti. Juuksed ei kaota niiskust, püsivad elusana ning säravatena, suurepäraselt lokkis või sirgetena. Professionaalne juuksuritehnika CERA on varustatud astmeteta kuumuse temperatuuri reguleerimisega elektrisüsteemidega, mugavate numbrikuvaritega.
Whether you are trying to straighten out your lusciously thick locks or tame that flyaway fine hair, the Day-To-Day Straightener will set things straight - day after day!
- PTC heater for fast heat up and stable temperature
- Ion Technology
- Auto shut-off after ca 60 minutes
Output: Adjustable, 130-230°C
Plates: Ceramic and tourmaline coating
Plate size: 24x87 mm, floating
Weight: 240g
Cord: Swivel, 2.5 meter
Mini hair styler for creating volume. Lifts the roots, creating incredible, long-lasting volume. Is also suitable for accenting the small parts of your hair style. Ideal for the thin hair with the lack of volume. Ceramic coating. Compact size.
Hair straightener with ceramic surface, quick warm-up and stable temperature
Adjustable temperature from 130 ° to 230 ° C
Auto-off after 1 hour
Rotating wire 2.5 m
Digital screen
Professional hair straightener with ceramic surface.
Use the device only when it is switched on.
Turn the unit on with the On / Off button until you see the numbers on the display. Allow the appliance to warm up for 30-45 seconds before use. To adjust the temperature you need, press the On / Off button while you are adjusting the temperature.
Adjust the temperature for your hair. Depending on your hair type, desired effect and individual preference and technique, the temperature can be adjusted from 160⁰C to 230⁰C
It is recommended to use a hair protection product against heat.
After use, let the appliance cool down and then wipe it with a damp towel.
Conical shaped scissors with ceramic surface. Helps to quickly and easily make circles and give them shine.
Digital temperature control up to 210 ° C
Rotating wire 3m
Turn on the CeraMicrocurler using the button at the top of the display. Allow to warm up for 30-45 seconds
Set the desired temperature. Depending on the type of hair you prefer, the temperature can be adjusted from 80 ° to 210 ° C
When the selected temperature is reached, the display stops flashing
Hair styling is recommended during styling.
After use, allow the shears to cool. Then clean it with a damp towel.
Turn on the CeraCrimpstyler using the button at the top of the display. Allow to warm up for 30-45 seconds
Set the desired temperature. Depending on the type of hair you prefer, the temperature can be adjusted from 130 ° to 230 ° C
When the selected temperature is reached, the display stops flashing
Hair styling is recommended during styling.
After use, allow the shears to cool. Then clean it with a damp towel.