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Avastage enda eest hoolitsemise kunst Dandy habemekosmeetikaga

 Dandy pole lihtsalt bränd, see on meeste ilu ja enesekindluse manifest. Oleme uhked, et saame teile tutvustada meie eksklusiivset habemekosmeetika kollektsiooni, mis on loodud neile, kes hindavad kvaliteeti ja stiili igas detailis.

 Mis teeb Dandy eriliseks?

Innovatiivsed valemud: Kasutame iluteaduse viimaseid saavutusi, et meie tooted oleksid tõhusad ja samal ajal ohutud teie nahale ja juustele.

 Looduslikud koostisosad: Meie toodetes on ainult kõrgeima kvaliteediga looduslikud koostisosad. Õlid, ekstraktid ja vitamiinid, mis hoolitsevad teie välimuse ja tervise eest.

 Eksklusiivne disain: Iga Dandy toode on elegantsi ja funktsionaalsuse kombinatsioon. Meie pakend mitte ainult ei kaitse sisu, vaid saab ka teie vannitoa kaunistuseks.

 Meie kollektsioon

Habeme hooldusvahendid: Õlid, palsamid ja šampoonid, mis muudavad teie habeme pehmeks, hooldatuks ja lõhnavaks.

Liituge Dandy maailmaga

Kutsume teid sukelduma Dandy maailma, kus iga toode on osa teie ainulaadsest stiilist ja eluviisist. Avastage meie kollektsioon ja muutke oma igapäevane hooldus mitte ainult rutiiniks, vaid tõeliseks naudinguks.

Näidata lehel toodet
10,00 €

dandy water pomade 100ml

NIAMH DANDY WATER POMADE EXTREME SHINE Pomade - wax on water-based hair and beard 100 ml. Wonderful tool for a versatile glossy look, this product provides a long-lasting shape and highlights your style with an irresistible wet effect. Usage: apply a small amount of product to your hands and apply to dry or wet hair, followed by your choice.
10,00 €

dandy cream pomade 100ml

DANDY CREAM POMADE MATT FINISH Pomade - wax for hair and beard 100 ml. A revolutionary special modeling wax with a creamy texture, wonderful to give maximum shape and highlight hairstyle. Usage: apply a small amount of product to your hands and apply to dry or wet hair, followed by your choice.
8,00 €

dandy ultra fix hair spray 250ml

NIAMH DANDY HAIR SPRAY EXTRA DRY Ekstra sausa matu laka ar hialuronskābi un baobaba eļļu 300 ml. Brīnišķīgi der sarežģītu frizūru sasniegšanai, ilgstošai fiksācijai. Lakas speciālā ekstra sausa formula, tūlītēji izžūst. Nodrošina spēcīgu fiksāciju. Aktīvās sastāvdaļas aizsargā no cirtu veidošanas un mitruma. Lietošana: izsmidzināt sausos matos vai uz atsevišķām šķipsnām no 15-20 cm attāluma, lai sasniegtu vēlamo rezultātu. UZMANĪBU: Viegli uzliesmojošs likvīds. Sargāt no karstuma, karstām virsmām, dzirkstelēm, atklātas liesmas vai citiem aizdegšanas avotiem. Nesmēķēt. Neizsmidzināt uz atklātas liesmas. Pēc izlietošanas iepakojumu nededzināt un nepārdurt. Sargāt no saules gaismas. Nepakļaut temperatūrai, kas pārsniedz 50⁰C (120⁰F). Sargāt no bērniem. Neizsmidzināt acīs vai uz sakairinātas ādas. Ļaunprātīgi neieelpot. Lietot kā norādīts instrukcijā.
8,00 €

dandy black gel 150ml

Dandy Black Gel ir melna krāsošanas želeja galvas un bārdas matiem. Gēls satur īpašu melnu nokrāsu sirmu un blāvu matu krāsošanai.
9,00 €

dandy beard cleanser 100ml

Dandy Beard Cleanser ir bārdas tīrīšanas līdzeklis visu veidu bārdām, kas atstāj patīkamu koksnes aromātu
6,60 €


Coloring cream for men DANDY without ammonia 1:1 60 ml. Preparation: Always use appropriate disposable gloves when preparing and applying Dandy Hair Color. Colors can only be mixed with 10Vol. (3%) oxidants, in a 1:1 ratio. Pour 30 ml of color activator into a special container and add 30 ml of cream paint. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency. Application: apply the color to dry, unwashed hair with a brush. When coloring for the first time, apply to the roots, the entire length and ends of the hair. Leave for 5-10 min., then rinse with a large amount of water until the color is completely washed off. Wash your hair with a special shampoo. Instructions: observe the curing time of the paint. If kept longer, the hair tone may become too intense. Re-dyeing: first apply to the roots of the hair, then move to the entire length and finally to the ends of the hair. Leave, maximum, for 5-10 min. Rinse and wash with a special shampoo. Do not use metal objects, combs. Precautions: The cream contains diaminebenzene, diaminotoluene, phenylenediamine, resorcinol. For professional use only. Do not use the color in case of inflammation of the scalp or in case of sensitive skin, which may cause an allergic reaction. Temporary black henna tattoos can cause an allergic reaction. We recommend performing a 48-hour test to determine skin sensitivity. Do not use for coloring eyelashes and eyebrows. If color gets into eyes, rinse immediately with water.